Here is a picture of me eating a taco:

Now that we're acquainted, let's to 't. This blog chronicles my Google Summer of Code project to port Banshee to Windows. I may also occasionally post about my other OSS/Mono exploits. For example, I just finished a brainfuck compiler for the CLI (.NET & Mono). It is called brainfucker. It is written in C# and uses the fantastic Mono.Cecil library (cred to JB Evain). It also has a Gtk interface, if that's your thing.
Well, that's all for now. This is surely the beginning of something magnificent. I feel it in my bones!
Good luck! I will gladly be a tester whenever you need one.
Awesome, welcome to the community! I look forward to running Banshee on Windows.
Also, I hope all SoC students will follow your bold lead and share with us pictures of them eating tacos. :)
I can't wait for this to be done. Once finished, someone could look into making a portable version.
Just promise me you won't use any brainfuck code in your porting efforts ;) I know it compiles to CIL, but please think of the children, won't someone think of the children!!
Welcome Scott! good luck.
Are you wearing toe nail polish?
Welcome aboard, either way.
Thanks everyone. Unfortunately, I am not wearing toenail polish. Maybe I dropped a bit of taco on my foot.
Good luck with this project. I have started a winforms project based on the banshee code. I hope you can use some of the stuff i had done to help eg. CD Audio, Media Engine and MassStorage DAP. I would gladly help and test where i can. Enjoy!
Kinny, that sounds really interesting. Could you get in touch with me? My email is lunchtimemama at gmail dot com.
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